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Our Trip in Numbers

As we wrap up our amazing trip in Europe, we started to put some numbers to our adventures. So, just for fun, here's some fun facts about the last 7 months!

- 26 - Coldest temp in degrees F while we were in Jyvaskyla

- 23 - Degrees F when we arrived

1 - Nights spent in an ice hotel

1 - Visit from the Tooth Fairy

2 - Bike Tours we did in cities

2 - Nights spent on a boat

3 - pairs of ice skates purchased

3 - People from the Marvelwood community we saw (Thanks, Marie Gold, Emily and Abigail!)

5 - Visitors we had from the United States

5 - Art museums visited

5 hours 34 minutes - Amount of daylight on the day we arrived

6 American Fulbright colleagues that were with me in Finland

7 - Presentations on American education I gave at conferences and meetings

8 - Completed knitting projects

8 - Plane flights starting with our flight to Helsinki and ending with our flight home to JFK

8 - Languages in which we learned "Thank You"

9 - Capital cities visited

11 - Matroyshka dolls purchased in Russia

12 - Radday family members that live in Germany that we met

13 - Total Countries Visited on our Trip

16 hours 35 minutes - Amount of daylight on the day we leave

17 hours 5 min - Amount of daylight on the summer solstice in Visby, Sweden

19 - Castles, fortresses and palaces we saw

20 - Different AirBnBs, Hotels and Homes we stayed in from June 1 - August 4th

23 - Schools visited in Finland

64- Number of books Liz read

80 - Most number of flights of stairs climbed in one day

130 - Number of books Adam read 211 - Days spent in Europe


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